Join one of the fastest growing professional computer-related organizations. Membership in IACIS entitles you to...
Receive a subscription to the Journal of Computer Information Systems (a refereed journal published quarterly) providing members with the latest and most up to date research findings.
Attend the annual IACIS conference, present your research, and have the opportunity to publish your research abstract in the Conference Proceedings or your full research paper in Issues in Information Systems (a refereed serial publication published annually). The annual conference is also the primary venue to participate in stimulating discussions and meet educators and others interested in the improvement of information systems and the education of information systems and computer professionals.
Nominate a deserving professional for the Computer Educator of the Year award. This award honors an outstanding educator from the information systems field. Presentation of the award is made at the annual conference.
Nominate a deserving professional for the Ben Bauman Award for Excellence. This award honors either an outstanding junior faculty showing outstanding academic promise and service, or a senior faculty providing significant service to the profession, university and community. Presentation of the award is made at the annual conference.