International Association for Computer Information Systems
Sunday, January 12, 2025

Prepare your Paper - 1st Submission Authors' Guideline

Organizing Your Paper

There are no strict format guidelines for original submissions. However, we recommend that you follow the Final Paper Formatting Instruction below. Papers normally consist of the following sections: Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Background and literature review, Presentation of the main contribution of the paper, Methodology, Results/Findings, Discussion of Findings, Implications for Research/Practice, Limitations, Conclusions, and References.

Format for Original Submission

Submissions must be in Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx). All papers are subject to blind review. Therefore, you must remove any identifying information (name, affiliation, etc.) from the paper prior to submission. Information regarding the authors is collected by the Conference Submission System when the paper is being submitted.

Final Paper Formatting Instructions

Language Mechanics: The language of the IACIS Conference is English as it is the most commonly used academic and technical language in the world today. The IIS Editor will not be able to edit the language mechanics of each submission.

Length: Papers must NOT exceed fifteen (15) pages, including tables, figures, references, abstract and keywords list. Abstract only submissions must NOT exceed two (2) pages.

Column: Place text in one (1) column, full justification.

Margins: All four margins (top, bottom, left and right) must be one (l) inch. The page layout and reference defined here generally follow the Guidelines of the American Psychological Association (APA).

Page Numbers: DO NOT put page numbers at the top or bottom of the pages. These will be added by the production editor.

Page Size: The page size is 8.5 inches by 11 inches. Papers sent with other page sizes will be returned to the author for revision. This is necessary to maintain uniformity across all articles in IIS.

Title: The title must be in 16 points & bold, Left Justified, Times New Roman. Only the first word in the title is capitalized.

Authors: All names should be left-justified, 11 points & bold. University affiliation, and e-mail address follows with l1-point, italicized, Times News Roman.

Abstract: Please provide a one paragraph (100 - 200 words, Times New Roman 11, justified text)abstract immediately following the names of the authors.

Keywords: Select four to six keywords that capture the essence of your paper. List the words in decreasing order of importance from left to right immediately below the abstract. Keywords will be used for an electronic index of your paper. Please use initial caps on all keywords.

Tables and Figures: The formatting of tables and figures is left largely up to the authors. Tables and figures should be sized and placed in the body of the paper. Care should be taken so that tables and figures are not separated between pages. Generally, tables and figures should be in Times Roman 11 type, and table column headings should be in bold. Graphics should be clearly rendered so as to yield attractive, readable black-and-white copies. All graphics should be included in the paper. Graphics can be in color, black and white or shades of gray.

References: In-text citations in the body of the paper should be formatted in APA format (ex.: (McKinney, 2015, p. 10). The References at the end of the paper should be in alphabetical order by author's last name. Please type the word References (bold, l2 point, Times New Roman) above the reference section.

Footnotes: Footnotes are NOT permitted and will be deleted from your paper. If the Editor cannot readily remove your footnotes, the paper will be returned for you to change and may NOT make the publication deadline.

Download the Template: The template is in MS Word format. Click here to download.